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Miscellaneous Tips 

Don't buy fancy gift bags, buy only solid colored ones and decorate them with stickers, ribbons, bows, stamps etc.  How many times do you get your old bags back from someone?  This way you aren't stuck with tons of bags for one holiday. 

Go to your favorite vendors websites and print off their coupons.  Many vendors have coupons right at their site available for you.  USE THEM!

Save all of your wrapping paper cardboard tubes when you're done with them.  They're perfect for wrapping your holidays lights around so that they store much easier! 

Another place for find tons of coupons is .  They have coupons from baby items to food. 

You can even call the1-800 #'s on the back of your household items such as Pledge, Ajax, Dawn etc and they'll send you some coupons to try their products. 

Save all the coupons you receive and swap them with family and friends.  Or, did you know that military families can use expired coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date? 

Rotate your plants when you water them so they grow evenly.  This way just one side doesn't get all the sunlight.   

Use alka-seltzer to polish your jewelry.

A little peanut butter and a coffee filter can help take scratches off of cd's

Buy fresh veggies (onions, red peppers, green peppers etc.) when they're on sale, cut them up and freeze them in zip lock bags.  This way you'll always have some veggies to add to your meals. 

Hide dryer sheets in inconspicuous spots around your home.  This will give your home a fresh scent and no one will know where it's coming from.  (e.g.  in flower arrangements, in linen drawers, under couch cushion) 

Don't buy those fancy carpet sprays!  Half the time they discolor your carpeting.  Just sprinkle on a little big of baking soda, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuum up the bad smells.  I've also used a bit of baby powder to give it more of a fresh scent. 

Instead of buying those prepackaged snacks, make your own!  A dozen homemade cookies is a lot cheaper that store bought. 

To clean your flower arrangements:  use a blow dryer on a low setting and take the plant outside to blow them off.  Then you don't blow the dust around in your house. 

Give your plants a little "drink" of beer once a month. Even plants love beer! 

Don't buy expensive heating pads, make your own.  A little bit of field corn sewn into a piece of flannel is the best heating pad!  Then you can heat them in the microwave for 2 minutes or leave them in the freezer.  They're perfect!!

For all of your plastic cards (library cards, grocery cards, Blockbuster cards etc) - punch a hole through the top left corner of every card and string them on a key ring.  This will keep all of your cards in the same place so that you will always know where they are.


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