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Tips For Your Pets

Fish love cooked egg yolks and it really gives a "boost" to baby fish.  Next time you hard boil eggs, save one of the yolks for the fish!

Place a dryer sheet under dog beds or in their "room" to keep it extra fresh.  (place them where they can't be found and destroyed!) 

If your child wants a pet and you don't, opt for freshwater fish or hermit crabs.  All can be relatively easy to care for and are much easier to clean up after. 

Get urine out of the carpeting:  first soak up all the urine you can with paper towel.  Then sprinkle with a bit of baking soda and saturate the stain with vinegar. Let soak for a bit and then use a carpet cleaner to suck it all up.  The vinegar helps to break down the acids and the smell of the urine.   

To keep your baby fish from being sucked up into your filter or to avoid having to buy another tank for them, place a nylon over the filter.  This will keep them out and still filter the water. 

To clean algae off tank plants and accessories, soak them in a tub of water and bleach for 15 minutes and then rinse very well with water.  Voila! No scrubbing! 

Hamsters and gerbils love to chew on any kind of cardboard, especially toilet paper rolls!   

Be creative with your betta!  have a wall hanging that holds a glass cylinder and a candle.  I took out the candle and put my betta fish inside it.  What a neat surprise for my guests and the kids love to watch it swim around on the wall!

To get rid of that nasty wet dog smell on a rainy day - wipe your buddy down with a used dryer sheet to keep him smelling nice.

To keep pets from chewing on electrical cords, rub them with a dry bar of soap or some vaseline.

Or, pet rocks are always a huge hit!  Cost nothing to feed, you don't have to clean up after them, you can take them anywhere and you can make them look however you want! Plus, kids have a blast decorating and naming them.


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